Temple Car Accident Attorneys

Few Temple car accident attorneys will show you the dedication you deserve. Central TX Firm knows, without our clients, we have no business. For this reason, we are the most qualified, most dedicated car accident lawyers in Temple TX.

An accident may wreck your car, but it doesn’t have to wreck your whole life. Let us help you put the pieces back together.

Car accidents affect:

  • Job: Whether you sustained physical injuries that prevent you from working or if your accident has caused you to lose focus at work, our Temple car accident lawyers can help calculate a fair compensation amount for your case.
  • Family: Even if they were not involved in the accident with you, family members can be deeply affected by your physical, mental and emotional injuries due to the accident.
  • Health: Some injuries, particularly those relating to the brain, can cause medical expenses to continue accumulating long after your accident. Our Temple car accident attorneys will make sure to seek restitution that will cover these expenses.
  • Mobility: If your vehicle is damaged or totaled in an accident, you have the right to a vehicle of equal or greater value.

Protecting your rights

Contrary to popular belief, the insurance company is not on your side. Their goal is to uphold their end of the contract to the extent that they pay out the least amount possible. To do this, they will try to get you to admit to partial or total fault through strategic questioning.

To protect your right to restitution, our car accident attorneys in Temple TX will advise you on what to say to the insurance adjustors. We will help you cooperate without compromising your case.

You only have a limited amount of time after an accident to contact one of our car accident lawyers in Temple TX and file a claim. Don’t let that time run out. Call our office today to schedule a consultation with one of our Temple car accident attorneys as soon as possible.